Total Quality Management for
Emergency Services
"Quality is everyone's responsibility."
W. Edwards Deming
In this project, our goal is to bring to you the materials needed to introduce your agency to the Total Quality Management style of leadership that was championed by W. Edwards Deming. We firmly believe that this style of leadership is clearly needed in today's emergency service agencies.
We plan on doing accomplishing this goal through the publication of books and training materials that focus on TQM in an emergency service setting. Unlike other TQM materials you may have seen or read, these materials will focus on TQM in the emergency service arena. They include examples taken directly from actual scenarios.
TQM Textbook - Now Available!
On Line and Hard Copy
The TQM for Emergency Services textbook is the first item to be released in this project. "Total Quality Management for Emergency Services: An Introduction" by Robert W. Austin is the 3rd edition of the textbook. The textbook looks at the management and leadership philosophy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, and how his principles of Total Quality Management can be put to use in the field of emergency services.
| 21 March 2009 | Read more |
TQM Course Presentations
As part of the Total Quality Management for Emergency Services project, we are creating presentations to accompany the text book and the lesson plans. The presentations will be the second phase of this project, with the text book being completed first, and lastly the lesson plans.
| 21 March 2009 | Read more |